数据链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/19jTPxpxuVHpPWKyKsUaglg?pwd=mr1k 提取码:mr1k
-- 创建表语句
drop table if exists tb_grouping;
create table tb_grouping
dt string,
brand string,
city string,
sales_sum int,
order_num int,
group_type string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'
'serialization.null.format' = '',
'field.delim' = '\t'
-- 加载数据 注意替换成你自己的数据路径
load data LOCAL inpath '/root/data/data.txt' into table tb_grouping;
select dt,
when grouping(dt, brand, city) = 3 and group_type = 'ALL' then sum(sales_sum)
when grouping(dt, brand, city) = 1 and group_type = 'brand' then sum(sales_sum)
when grouping(dt, brand, city) = 2 and group_type = 'city' then sum(sales_sum)
else null
end as s_total
from tb_grouping
group by dt, brand, city, group_type
grouping sets (
( dt, group_type),
( dt, brand, group_type),
( dt, city, group_type )
Constant | Expanded | Default | Description |
COLUMN_NAME_DELIMITER | column.name.delimiter |
, |
FIELD_DELIM | field.delim |
COLLECTION_DELIM | collection.delim |
MAPKEY_DELIM | mapkey.delim |
SERIALIZATION_FORMAT | serialization.format |
SERIALIZATION_NULL_FORMAT | serialization.null.format |
SERIALIZATION_ESCAPE_CRLF | serialization.escape.crlf |
false |
SERIALIZATION_LAST_COLUMN_TAKES_REST | serialization.last.column.takes.rest |
true |
ESCAPE_CHAR | escape.delim |
\\ |
SERIALIZATION_ENCODING | serialization.encoding |
SERIALIZATION_EXTEND_NESTING_LEVELS | hive.serialization.extend.nesting.levels |
SERIALIZATION_EXTEND_ADDITIONAL_NESTING_LEVELS | hive.serialization.extend.additional.nesting.levels |
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/DeveloperGuide#DeveloperGuide-HiveSerDe https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/SerDe